
By Knottman2


Watendlath is a hidden gem which seems to sum up so much of what is glorious about the English Lake District. It is found at the end of a long valley which is east over a ridge from Borrowdale and Derwentwater.

Much is owned by the National Trust and that is the NT car park which you can see in the photograph. Several grand walks start from here. Today we chose an old bridle way which goes East and eventually tops the ridge down to Thirlmere. It is steep but partly paved and in olden days was used by pack horses. The views are a great joy.

Watendlath is a place not to be missed. But be warned. The long narrow road up to it from Borrowdale can be a nightmare in summer. Backing to the nearest passing place is difficult especially if there are four cars behind you. It is O.K. In late November.

The road crosses Ashness Bridge which, with its background of Skiddaw, ha been photographed a million times including once more by me.

Back home now after unknowingly chasing two other Blippers round the area and sadly missing John Gravatt's new exhibition which opens in Keswick I believe tomorrow.

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