A Dog's Dinner

By G

In the Land of Martin Parr

We popped down to St Anne's for the weekend, to check up on the Memsahib and to deliver her new laptop.

She's been using email for the last ten years or so and it was time she had an upgrade, so she's now got her aged little hands on a twelve inch G4 Macbook.

Ironically my wee pal Harrison popped over to show me his new laptop. What a boy! He saved all his spare cash up to get one. He's 14 and she's 90 same interests - well sort off.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we seemed to have entered the Land of Parr. Chintz a go go. The essence of England.

So here you have No.1 in the Leica Challenge.

Ps Did I say I saw lots of kittens today. Everywhere I looked there were kittens. Kittens here. Kittens there, kittens everywhere.

oh bugger!

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