
By shy

The Illustrated Blipcyolpaedia (not)

I rather enjoyed all the excellent Blipcyclopaedia entries, but apart from the one I did on Friday, I've been a bit backward in producing any more.

I think my brain has been addled over the weekend with too much alcohol, and although it's only Tuesday, I've been slaving far too hard at work and am ready to collapse.
All my creativity has gone, and all I have come up with for today's blip was the inside of my wardrobe, taken in the wee small hours of the morning.

This is useless as a blipcyclopaedia entry, as I can't think of a single blipper with the word wardrobe in their name. This is a bit of a shame because I like this picture. I particularly like the way I've adapted the dark bit and balanced it off with white, and intersected it with a bit of red and then cropped it into a nice square frame.

If anyone wants to call themselves "Mr Wardrobe" , I think I've got a winner.

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