Texann Times

By Texann


This is the sign that the Thanksgiving meal is over. All of the leftovers are now in a pot with bunches of herbs making stock for soup to be made at the weekend. Leejohnaire blipped some of the meal preparation earlier – he’s the chef under these circumstances as he’s so much better at it than I am.

We usually spend “family holidays” with our Aussie friends here as our families are all elsewhere – after all these years, they are part of our family now. We had a lovely afternoon together and all ate heartily.

For those who may not know, on Thanksgiving Day, it’s traditional for people to think about what they are thankful for. I guess we should do it often, but in the absence of that, this day is a useful reminder. Everyone has things in their lives that they wish hadn’t happened or weren’t happening. But when I put mine to the back of my mind and think about the things that I am fortunate to have, there are so many. My hubby, family and friends are the main ones every time, and cannot be overstated, but there really are lots of others, and this year, I will be adding Blipfoto to the list. Thank you, Aliscotia, for introducing us to this wonderful world. Thank you, Blipfoto, for giving us a daily, time-consuming (pre)occupation, for the photography lessons we’re learning both by using our cameras and by seeing the excellent work of our fellow blippers, for making us look around and see things with new eyes, and for the daily, positive, encouraging, friendly, funny comments from all of you. Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving Day today or if it was just another Thursday for you, I hope you had an equally-great day, full of things to be thankful for.

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