Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Colorful Thanksgiving

Daybreak came big and bold today. When I took the pups out this morning, I could not believe the colors in the sunrise. I quickly grabbed my camera and tried to get some shots of the incredible colors. This photo is not retouched in any way! It was amazing!

What a wonderful start for a day of Thanksgiving!

It was just the two of us celebrating a quiet Thanksgiving at home. But, even though it was just two, I cooked a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans and pumpkin pie. And it was all delicious, if I must say so myself. And we washed it down with a bottle of Riesling. And now we are making stock with the turkey carcass.

We have been having a lot of problems with our internet lately. I have not loaded a photo or commented in a few days because of it. But, we seemed to have found a substitute for now.

As we somewhat expected, our buyers decided not to go forward on the sale of the house. We had received our appraisal, which was $5,000 more than our asking price. I guess this dampened the buyers' efforts for trying to renegotiate the price of the house. So they gave a very minor excuse for terminating the contract. And, according to Colorado law, we must return their earnest money to them. So, we got to incur the cost of the appraisal, and they get to walk away with their money. Oh well - easy come, easy go. Anyway, tomorrow we are meeting with a realtor to have him list the house. With my upcoming surgery and consulting work mounting up, I don't have the time to do this anymore.

I hope that all of my American blipfriends had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

And thank you all for being so faithful and encouraging! You are the best!

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