From the beginning

By AnnBaker

Surrounded by Orca

Today was incredible.
It started on the way to a doctors visit, Mum, Dad and myself were driving along when we noticed a lot of cars parked at Little Manly. Yesterday they were lucky enough to witness aa huge pod of dolphins along with 100s of other people there so we thought the dolphins were back and pulled in. Well it turned out not to be more dolphins but a pod of Orca. How lucky are they on their visit.

Anyway just as i thought the day couldn't get much better I get on the ferry home. The awesome skipper announced their was loads of Orca and he was going to stop if they were still there.

It was incredible, the boat stopped and we were surrounded by them. At the closest one of them rubbed up against the front of the boat but this picture is taken from about 10 to 20 metres away. Im not sure I will ever have such a great ferry trip again but I don't care as this was incredible.

I believe there are only 200 Orca in NZ waters yet here was a large pod. Hope they stay around for longer.

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