Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

More mistiness

Another thick blanket of fog this morning; after a jaunt around the park Sarah and I went up to Grimescar Woods with me promising a very spooky walk in the fog. Nowt but a bit of haze when we got there - what a disappointment! We did narrowly avoid running over a squirrel as we left - not a good week for the squirrel population with the Coombeses around.

We went and ate far too huge a breakfast (still stuffed 6 hours later) at the garden centre, then drove through some pretty impressive fog to see Grandpa in Wakefield. Can you believe the number of people who drive without their lights on in a peas souper?

Thank you for getting yesterday's shot into the Spotlight - a very big surprise.

Pasta, wine, The Grinch and much lazing about in store for the evening. Marvellous!

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