
By briocarioca

Cat and mouse

Here's my shot for Friendly Friday (November Theme Challenge) - although note the claws, which are NEVER retracted. Several times a day, when she forgets I've ever fed her, she sits right in front of the screen and reaches them out to tap my hand, or face if she can reach it. Usually, the only escape is to retreat downstairs and pour more food into her bowl. Today, however, I was concentrating on my billing and so she gave up and lay down.

Now feeling very virtuous, with most of the billing - or at least the calculations - up to date for now. Lots of rain today and it has been raining all week in the hills, so we don't have to rush out of the house tomorrow. Hoping to make a leisurely way up there, no golf, and a party in the evening to celebrate the club's 80th birthday. Disconcerting, it doesn't feel like 10 years since the 70th (when we turned up in the casual gear that has always been the norm for club parties, to find everyone dressed up to the nines. Friends who lived nearby had to take us off to their house to find a tie and jacket for HH and a long skirt for me).

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