Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


We took a quick trip to Boulder today to visit our favorite spice store to get some spices for my pumpkin pie recipe. We then decided to have lunch at the old Boulderado Hotel. On the way back to the car, I took this shot.

Some "faiths" believe that Boulder is the center of the spiritual universe. It certainly is a center for hedonism, but has many different centers of faith. It isn't uncommon to find several of them sharing the same block. The building in the left foreground is a new age spirituality "station", the left middle building is the Buddist Temple, and the left background building is a traditional Episcopal church.

I find it interesting that one of the largest fellowships of Jesus followers (called Christians by some) in the United States is not in Boulder, but 21 miles away in Lafayette.

Well, it is off to make my pie!

Due to internet issues, this was backblipped.

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