Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17


Well you can't have a Saturday night without a glitter ball can you!
A brave trip to Leeds today - great fun playing British Buldog on the streets - the dodging people bit not the rugby tackling of course:O
The Victoria Quarter was looking beautifully adorned in its seasonal twinkly best.
These baubles belong to a huge silver Christmas tree which I took a photo of as it looked fabulous against the old Victorian buildings either side and its pretty and modern multicoloured roof but when I got home I rather liked the crop.
You can see the colours of the roof reflected in the top of the bauble, and in the bauble top left you can see the Victorian buildings and the roof. You can also see me in most of the baubles - a bit broken up - but you'll see at my feet the streets are paved with gold! :)

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