Stripey schnozzle

November Theme Challenge Day 29: Saturday Senses – any of our 5 senses implied or evident in your image

Finally, a relaxing, chilled out day spent with my beautiful fiancée. Dogs have been walked and we have just spent time in each other's company. It has been a good day.

The blip today is Taliscularis the Ginormous's schnozzle. Millions of years of evolution made this nose. The purpose that natural selection refined it for, was to detect tiny traces of smells of things which might be edible, or which may pose danger, or provide opportunities for passing on genetic material. Taliscularis the Mountainous, uses his schnozzle for snuffling. And for poking things, and opening doors, and burying things, and poking us, and making marks on glass... His schnozzle goes stripey in the winter, apparently a breed characteristic. I like his big stupid nose.

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