
By cowgirl

A lesson in the production of a good cup of coffee

We drove over to Bruton to pick up the framed picture of the leopard that Sav did earlier in the month, but as Alan picked it up to hand it over to us he swore and held it back to himself. He had just seen that his mum had framed it the wrong way - portrait instead of landscape. He's going to correct it and bring it over himself next week.

Still, we got to go for a great coffee or two. We chatted to the owner, who took us through to his roaster and explained the process to us. There's quite a lot of skill involved in producing a good cup of coffee.

We decided to watch the last of the International rugby games, England v Australia, in a local pub and just as it ended Jo and Simon came in with Ben, but no Fossey. We stayed another hour or so ... Hmm, actually two hours or so ... to celebrate England's win. Now home to end our day with a curry and Strictly.

Not yet 10pm and we're both ready for bed - such light weights!

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