Brass in the Park

Some hardy folk turned out with jackets, blankets and chairs for the free concert of our local band.

University of Canterbury School of Music Intern Keeneth Love recently took the Rangiora Brass Band to the National Championships in Invercargill where they marched away with a host of awards. The band won the “D” (Youth) Grade Band of the Year and Keeneth was named Music Director of The Year. They also won all three sections they competed in. Keeneth has just completed his Music degree and a Music Internship program focussing on his work with this band.

The music performed was varied with some moving mellow sounds drifting round the park and a number of more modern upbeat tunes. It was most enjoyable and great to see our local rotunda in use, brought back a few memories from my band days while I was in my high school years.

Lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon :)

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