
A good day today, even if there was too much cloud cover and rain this morning to permit another Sunday sunrise photo. I returned to bed and got some more (much needed, it seems) sleep. After a slower than planned start to the day, I finished the letters from Friday, and started a report needed by the Family Court, before heading down to the shore in search of blippable birds.

There was a kawaupaka (Little Pied Shag) which might have done. It had spotted me and was repeatedly preparing to fly away, and did so soon after this. A bit further along our beach, and I saw a karoro (Southern Black-backed Gull) on a rock out from the shore and nonchalantly ignoring me.

Nothing else, and we were going to lunch at a nearby winery with S' cousin's wife, so I headed back up the steps to the cliff top, and the beach house. As I went around the back (facing the bay, so maybe its the front? even though away from the street), I heard and then saw a tui. To all intents and purposes it seemed to be playing in a mapou tree on the bank, leading down to the cliff edge. This was my last shot before it flew away.

In a slightly earlier photo, it really appeared to be striking a pose before darting back into the foliage only to re emerge for the last photo.

Lunch was really very pleasant. G had alerted us to the change in chef and menu at the Ascension Vineyards restaurant. It was a really good Italian style meal, and all three of us were happy with our choices. Entertainment was provided in the courtyard beside the conservatory where we sat, by a wedding party.

Then back here to finish the report and then look at the photos from the morning and feel pleased with a great tui shot. Do take a look at it large

S suggested that I should add that I was only about five meters away from the tui when I took this photo. It's very unusual to be able to be that close.
Also the tui is not a small bird. Total length is about 30 cm, and wingspan is about 40 cm.

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