The force is strong in this one

"Aha dad, I see what the problem is. Basically, since you got Sky ADSL and the new router, your desktop's IP has changed, which explains why you can't mount your home directory over NFS from your laptop. I'll just SSH into it from here, update your /etc/exports file to include the new IP address (which I'll obtain by running the ifconfig command) and restart the nfs-kernel-server daemon to pick up the changes. Viola! - Logging out and re-mounting the remote NFS share works as expected, and you can access the files on your desktop from your laptop. Now dad, that will be £150..."

I'll make a sysadmin out of my boy yet, although mrs monochrome worries that I'll just make a geek out of him.

(For those not in the know, the penguin on his t-shirt is a baby Tux, mascot of Linux).

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