Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Today, I am Forty. Hold on, let me try that one out again....

Today...I am Forty. Four-Oh. Woah!

Yeah, not sure how long it's going to take for that one to sound normal. Maybe by the time I turn fifty..

So, this sparkling little beauty is my birthday present from my husband. For anybody who knows me, I am not a diamond kind of girl but there's a whole story behind this ring and once you know it, you'll agree that Bry is one of the most thoughtful people you could ever hope to know.

Rewind to 1997. I was idly flicking through a magazine when I saw this ring in a full page advert. I said to Bry 'I'm not really into diamonds, but if I was ever to have a diamond ring I'd want one like this'.

Oh how we laughed. We both knew there would never come a time where a ring like this would be bought and I swiftly put it out of my mind whilst Bry kept it tucked in his for use at some point in the future.

And here it is. Bry's been saving for nearly 10 years for this ring. He wanted to give me a present in my 40th that meant something, something with a bit of history and sentiment attached to it. Something that would be special and last forever. Something that will always make me happy, that will always keep it's beauty and something that can be passed on to generations after us.

I was expecting an iPad and instead I have something that reminds me of our shared history together that will last long into the future, beyond our own.

I am absolutely gob smacked. Stunned. I love it so much.

The boy did good didn't he?

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