Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

She has gorgeous blonde curls growing. They are very cute!

We had a productive day of sorts. We went to the library - minnie usually wanders off and plays but she stayed quite close to me. I wonder if she worries I will leave her there

We went to the shops after nap time and then went for some lunch together - minnie was straining in the hair chair to smile at someone over my shoulder. I turned and realised it was Phoebe who minnie is with at nursery on a Tuesday morning. We have never seen her out of nursery before so I was amazed they recognized each other! She so clever.....well I think so but I don't have many to compare her to!

Home for a nap and ironing and sorting. Simon wasn't home till 715 so he missed seeing Minnie which he hates

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