
By CleanSteve

A longtailed tit grabs its fill

The fog greeted me when I woke finally as did a pot of tea brought to me by Woodpeckers. What a star she is. I slept better last night but as soon as I woke I couldn't stop coughing which was very annoying. It seems that if I do anything more than stay quietly at home my condition worsens. So I have stayed at home today.

When I finally went outside, it was into the garden with my camera and an intention to enjoy the better light after the fog had burnt off. I filled the various bird feeders with sunflower seeds and the open tray, which hangs from the rhus tree with additional fat pellets to try and tempt the birds. I took up residence in the cabin with the door shut, as the sun had warmed nicely, and opened a large window through which I could pint a lens.

The light wasn't great as the clouds had wheeled in from the west, so I yet again upped the ISO to allow fast shutter speeds in order to test what results I might get. It took a while for the birds to come, but gradually I saw blue tits, bullfinches, robins, blackbirds, a nuthatch and even a jay whirled by, although it was out of shot. I saw where it landed in the big sycamore tree at the end of the garden and was pleased to see it for the second time this week.

As the sun began to set behind Rodborough Common on top of the hilltop across the valley, the clouds cleared and the light improved. Funnily the birds seemed to be absent when the sun was shining until this lovely longtailed tit returned and gave me a fine display of its feathers in flight. I love them and their friendly nature with their chatty birdsongs when they all gather together.

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