The Ferg

By fergie

An emotional barrier

Thirty five years ago I visited Faslane to protest at these inhuman weapons of mass destruction, today I returned. I was horrified ti see how they are spending millions building up the base and the security,. While the public sector including the NHS faces huge cuts in services to vulnerable people and austerity still grips the poor, when food banks and debt stalk the high streets . Still we try to justify these useless dangerous and immoral weapons. l was so angry as I stood next to the gates angry at the way they made me feel powerless I wanted to rip these fences gates and wire defence part with my bare hands. Angry at the deception that means that people are more interested in fighting their neighbour for a supermarket bargain, or who wins a TV dance contest than how we create this abomination on the landscape that is designed to create fear and mass death genocidal weapons.

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