
By JackyMT

Christmas is Coming..

Finished my Christmas decorating today very pleased with the results. (it's the same as usual actually lol)
I was looking at the tree decorations as I put them on, many hold special memories of when we were not very well off and himself used to buy a few each year, We used to get a branch from the woods, spray it white or silver and fasten it to the roof in the lounge then decorate it dad gave us some twinkling lights one year they were so pretty. I have some tree ornaments that go back to when I was a child of about 7 or 8 and I can remember my mum telling me that she got them from a lady who's little girl had died and she was so sad she couldn't bare to use them that Christmas so she gave them all away. I'll never part with them and always think of that little girl every year although I never knew her and of how lucky I am.

Got a funeral to go to tomorrow hey ho that life or not.

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