
I checked. I wasn't on the list. Are you? I doubt I've ever been on one. Sexy here definitely thought she was on the list - and who are we to argue? !

I was drawn in by her earrings, which I thought said "Sorry". It seemed like there might be a story there so I had to ask the question. She told me that they said "Sexy", which I could see for myself on closer inspection. "Of course they do," I replied. She then opened up her jacket and I started to get a little worried. "I'm sexy all over," she says. How could I respond to that except by telling her that she certainly was! I love to meet people like this. What you see is what you get. Thank you Karen for livening up a very dull day.

These updates are proving to be very complicated. I keep encountering problems. One has been done but the other is dragging on. I was in the office before 7am this morning and didn't leave until well after 7pm. And I'm still not done yet. Posting this and taking a break.

Just quickly, thanks so much for all your support yesterday. It is an indication of just how much this incident has moved people, from all around the world, even those who have no real interest in cricket. I really appreciated your words, and love, which made the tribute even more heartfelt. I really value your continuing kindness.

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