leave everything but footprints

When a newly-released film makes a big point about being based on a book I would normally like to attempt to find and read the book prior to watching the film but given that my purchased-but-still-to-read book list still in double figures (in base ten) and my intention to not go into any second-hand bookshops until it is reduced to zero I wasn't too worried about not having read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo prior to popping past the Cameo after a quick sweep past the shops failed to reveal any selling any wearable long shorts to supplement my dwindling supply. Apart from the weird lighting (almost every scene seems to have to feature extremely bright white lighting from 10 or 2 o'clock to put the eye socket nearest the camera into deep shadow) it seemed quite reasonable and it's always pleasant to not have to attempt to extract the sound of the bloke three seats to the left munching on M&Ms and clattering drink-ice from the dialogue (though Norwegian is interesting to pay attention to for the frequent spottable-similarities-of-sound-or-word-root (and it's difficult to turn and glare at people who are making noises when there are subtitles to read)).

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