
By CharlotteJ

Mistletoe; Beware!

I have never brought Mistletoe until now....blippers do these crazy things you know!

Found this online, made me smile

Watch out for the mistletoe,
For it’s that time of year.
Once you’re under it, people insist
You’re full of Christmas cheer

This Hanging plant controls our minds,
From our so bedecked halls.
Silent Smirks and giggles reign
Amidst the loud cat calls.

Don’t stand below the mistletoe,
Where everyone can see
Awkward blush and “Oh La Las”
Are always guarantee.

On the dark and silent night
When no one is around
Take my hand and follow me
We needn’t make a sound.

The coast is clear, we’re all alone,
Now kiss me soft and slow
And I’ll have my way with you
Beneath the mistletoe.

© Juliet Simon.

Happy Tuesday


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