In the strangest place . . .

. . . you sometimes find just what you were looking for.

Fabulous gig last night. Chris Rea at his best (and I should know, having followed him for many, many years!) and a full and enthusiastic audience. A great night.

This morning we headed straight for the Trafford Centre. It was so quiet as we sat and had breakfast in Carluccio’s. Quite a lot of shopping done, ending with a visit to the Apple Store, so that’s me sorted anyway!

When we stepped outside the Centre, which was a little busier by then, we realised it was a lovely day and had spent half of it inside. So, as we headed home, we diverted off the M6 and arrived in Morecambe. A walk by the sea (well, it would have been if the tide had been in!) in the sunshine. Wonderful!

We also discovered by accident an amazing toyshop and were able to buy the very things we had failed to find at the Trafford Centre. A lesson learnt there perhaps.

Then we watched the sun go down over the Bay before driving home.

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