The fool on the hill

By mooncoin


I think I can see the Pleiades. But I'm guessing because the only thing I know about them is that they are in the sky.
But the internet tells me this:
At a distance of about 440 light years from the Earth, the Pleiades are one of the nearest galactic open clusters. The brightest stars in the cluster (Alcyone is magnitude +2.8, and Pleione +5.1) are distributed over about seven light years and although faint to naked sight these stars are from 40 to 1000 times brighter than our Sun. From the Earth the cluster's apparent size is 110 minutes of arc (almost 2°) in the plane of the ecliptic: in comparison, the diameter of a full Moon is about 0.5°.
And who knows - I might even read it instead of just cutting and pasting it.
I can also see the dish which is beaming internet rays to and from Bill and Sue's house and a reminder that I still haven't clipped the cable to the wall.

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