Damian's Blips

By damiangrounds

These little piggies went to market!

Driving into Chichester this morning, I couldn't resist taking this photo.

I have wanted to take a picture of these pigs for ages. They live very happy lives in two large fields, one either side of the road, with their arched metal huts and water troughs. I have long pondered on their characters; often making up stories in my head as I drive by, of their late night parties, card playing and wife swopping antics.

Early mornings often find the occupants of 2 or 3 close by huts, all spilling out of the entrance of one hut, piled high on straw, snoring away after a late night boozing session.

In the summer, they have canapies hung out for them to snooze under and the odd pig can be seen luxuriantly sprawled, wallowing from head to trotter, in one of the water troughs, with just their snout poking out of one end.

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