Brown (and Sticky)

Anyone who knows me well will tell you that the one joke that makes me laugh more than any other is the “Brown and Sticky” joke. You know the one -

“What’s brown and sticky?”……………………………… “A stick!!!!”

I’ll continue now I’ve picked myself up from the floor and wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes.

When we visited Perth, Australia last year we went to the city’s art gallery. Whilst we were there we found this exhibit. It is a genuine piece of art. It’s got an artist’s name on it and everything!!! It made us both laugh so much when we discovered it that we thought we might get thrown out. We didn’t and I was able to get the photograph of it. If I hadn’t I doubt that anyone would believe it existed outside of my imagination.

The challenge topic for today of course made me think of my favourite joke so here is my homage to the work of David Shrigley.

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