Xmas traditions

One of the things I like most about being back in Alsace over the Christmas holidays is its tradition of 'marchés de Noel", the first of which in Strasbourg (and the largest still today with over 300 stands) goes back to 1570. The tradition has since spread to other towns (even to Washington D.C. for a couple of years now, though that one only features a dozen or so stands).

They feature artisanally produced products and foods (and of course generous helping of 'vin chaud') and are at their best once the lights come on at night (which is unfortunate in photographic terms…) ;)

I was visiting relatives today in one small village (Turkheim), which has added a feature of a giant Advent calendar, where each square is opened every night by the town cryer, accompanied by a dozen little helpers each carrying a lantern. They procession through the town square before opening up the calendar's square, along with some period music and a story about the etching that's revealed behind each square. Cute, very cute.

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