December Poppies

I've been watching them surviving the change of the weather and cold with frost but still they had a great energy to pop. Both of them. Only two. I will call them Jadwiga and Jerzy, after my late parents. They both loved my garden, especially mum who helped a lot and managed the gardening works.

Visit with Helena to GP concluded her rash (on top of her awful eczema) as skin infection. She has been given 7 days of antibiotics 4 times a day, meaning I have to wake myself to wake her at midnight and 6am to administer it. She hates the taste as its very bitter, well I never liked the taste of Penicillin myself so I don't blame her, however medicine has to be taken to make her feel better. Decided to keep her at home until the end of the week for her to recover from a nasty cold as well.

Well its the British winter - cold, damp and just miserable - a heaven for viruses and bacterias to emerge.



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