
It's not a rabbit.

This is Drusilla our old lady, she was my Mums cat.

Anyway WooWoo has eaten a little hay - yay. He took himself off upstairs again today, I think he just likes the peace and quiet (and I sneak him up his special pro biotic nuggets) but it also meant that I could see definite WooWoo poop (only rabbits owners will understand) so 100% sure he is pooping ok and they are starting to look more normal (they had gone very small). He is still poorly bless him, vets again tomorrow, I don't think he is well enough to be sedated so as long as he remains interested in food and we can get enough into him we will wait and keep trying the antibiotics.

Plus he is still being naughty, so that's good.

He did seem a little in pain yesterday so I will discuss getting some metacam to give to him as well.

This evening I have been looking at snugglesafe heating pods for the little bunnies, I do worry that they will get cold and I can't bring them indoors. I know they were fine last year outside all winter but still I can't help but worry (their hutch has a special space age insulated cover and an addition waterproof cover). I also wondered if maybe one would be good for WooWoo (we can't give him a wheat bag or hot water bottle) only it's getting a little too hot for the rest of us having the heating on (it's not thermostatically controlled and I have no idea how to work the timer on the boiler so basically heating has two settings on or off).

And in other news we've taken the dog crate away and are allowing Jeeves and WooWoo to free roam all the time. We only ever shut them in at night, but we haven't been doing that with WooWoo poorly, instead we've being alternating who gets the bed and whose on the sofa to keep an eye on the bunnies but they have been so good so we have decided to be brave and try it so far no cats have been beaten up.

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