Paws crossed - 2

We have a pair of these, and until we had Russet I don't think we really noticed that they have their paws crossed! (Yesterday's blip). They used to belong to my father who had them in his study when I was a child.
Very cold today, but dry and sunny sometimes. I was in town early for a visit to the hairdressers, followed by a whizz around Waitrose, a flu jab at the doctor's surgery and then a dash to the station to pick up tickets for a trip to Exeter next week.
A quick lunch, and then a pleasant walk through the village to meet up with a granddaughter of one of our past vicars, as part of the village history project. He was vicar here during the First World War and he and his wife were very active and very well respected. It was interesting to look at family photographs and to hear stories which have been handed down through the generations!

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