Every Picture Tells .....


Flames, Fire and 17 Jumpers

My plans for a meal and shopping with Harriet fell through so I headed over to Dewsbury where Creative Kirklees were holding a spectacular exhibition involving thousands of flames (set in water and fire displays), two giant burning heads and music.

In the centre of the displays there was a little candle-lit bandstand where the lovely Rachael Gladwin played the harp to the flickering flames. Her face was painted with dancing shadows cast by the flames against her harp and strings.

Rachael played in sub-zero temperatures with 17 jumpers under her glittering fire cloak.

It was a fab evening rounded off by a quick tour of the museum (which just happens to be one of the buildings I look after in my day job) and of course a visit to the adjacent cafe.

Lots of lovely people, great atmosphere and good music.

More pictures here

I'm hobbling today after hurting my knee and to cap it all, I now have a lump on my head -just above my eye - where I walked into the car tailgate at Sainsbury's tonight.

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