wide-eyed and freckled

By GracieC1

Concrete Frame

It's only been a little while since I've been on here really...okay maybe a long while but life has been a bit busy with school work, getting out in the world; you know how it is.
I am currently in NY! Suprise! I have been spoiled by being gifted the trip of a lifetime to NY with my family; we stay in an adorable NY loft-style apartment and are surrounded by gorgeous old fire escapes everywhere.
I can't believe how much I adore the diversity, beauty, contrast and liveliness of this city. Btw if you are ever considering coming here, just do it (as many-a-shoe champaign would say).
Here is a shot I took of my stunning sister (although you can't see her face) as she gazed through a window overlooking Central Park, when we were dining at Asiate Restaurant of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. The food was spectacular and the views likewise!
I love NY and hope I get a chance to post at least one more pic on here (don't hold me to it though, I get easily distracted by travel, haha).

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