At the School Fair

Goodness me! What a day. Made it out the door in time to catch the 10:30am ferry. Hadn't quite factored in the fact that roads are still blocked in Central aaargh stupid protesters and only just made it in time to set up for 12noon start time! We got so hungry in the taxi that we started eating some of the cupcakes I baked!!!

Good sales today and I actually managed to sell one of my Christmas cakes for HK$1,000!!!!!! Yay. I was so happy, all for charity of course.

Just as I was packing up my things and getting ready to leave, I dislocated my knee. Oh boy was that painful. Hobbling along now ... With Martin's walking stick. Couldn't have come at a worse time. Anyway, came home and put my leg up.

These are the first set of volunteers at the cake stall. Great team.

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