Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Me Man, Me Make Fire

The best thing about our in-between house is thats its got a real fire in the lounge. So now that the weather has definitely turned, we relented this evening, from the cries of "can we light the fire? can we, can we?"
So Mr C being an expert at survival, cough cough, he took charge with the Munchkins, and made ... FIRE. The lounge is now lovely and toasty, with that unmistakable faint crackling sound.

After a lazy morning, Munchkin 1 had his friend round for the afternoon, and Little Miss E and I went over to an "Mmmmm Party" at an old neighbours house, for some mince pies and mulled wine.It was very Christmassy! It was lovely to see some old faces, and a little bit odd to be back in our old street. I did drive past the old house when we left, thankfully it was dark.

An early Blip this evening as I eventually managed to get a baby sitter. Bless my old next door neighbour, she's a star! So Mr C and I are off to see Michael McIntyre later tonight in a preview show of his new material. Should be good.


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