
By PDBudd

A Grumpy Christmas Elf

Here it is the feast day of St. Nick, special patron for children, and where do we find this young elf? 'Helping' mum and female relatives at the Oxford Winter Indoor market.
This was the last Community indoor market before the January. These are held first Saturday of the month at the Gothic style community room behind St. Paul's (Gothic-style ) Episcopal Church.
I took a lot of likely blips for today. Angelique, the hat maker now has her array of fur (fake) hats on display. The bread maker stood proudly behind his display of variously flavoured breads. Sandy, owner of Black Bear Winery had much on display. None of the wines are from grapes-- unusual in New York State who vies with California. Sandy had the right idea, to my way of thinking. All their Black Bear Wines are made from local berries: red raspberry, black berry, currant cranberry also some apples get in too.
I couldn't resist buying delicious Red Raspberry for a gift and Blackberry for myself. 10% alcohol content.
The Evans Farm table was a main reason for the visit. They held an order for me of organic whole mile, delicious butter, buttermilk,and free-range, brown eggs. And I placed an order for January market.
Background: I have not been able to buy this superior quality dairy because, as will several cottage industries here, they send their produce "downstate" to New York City. The restaurants like Evans' dairy goods and we can't get them.
I nearly made it passed by the homemade fudge table... but the sample made with chocolate and goat's milk caught my purse as I passed by.

All the various tables were decorated with pine greens and invited shoppers... but at the end of a table with the very best and most inviting baked goods was this lone sad little elf. She never smiled the whole time I was there. Possibly this was NOT in the elf's plan for a Saturday morning. Pure Grump!!
{Not grumpy for myself. It is one month since the major spine surgery. When I had hoped and planned-- even by placing a special Evans order to be picked up today if I was walking-- for me to be able to walk in to the indoor market and take photos , buy wine and fudge, eggs and baked goods. It fulfills my hopes.
Happy beyond expression so that with a bit of help-- pain meds. and a fully pulled in brace-- I did well!}
At home and fully resting this evening.

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