
By alisonfedup

Life is too short

I was recently reminded by someone I respect that I have been tardy in my posting here, he is correct.

There are many things that have been getting in the way, work and life, but now the bathroom is nearly finished and it means that mum is able to continue looking after her own personal hygiene.

Being an unpaid carer to my mother takes a toll on all areas of our life. We cannot plan to do anything without taking into account how it will affect her. Over he past year we have been 'working' with social services to ensure she is able to continue getting washed with out assistance. We were trying to get a walk in shower fitted but the hoops we have had to jump through have proved too much. Thankfully the landlord of our cottage has repaired a leak in the bathroom and as part of the repairs has fitted a lower bath which means that mum can continue showering without assistance.

We have also adopted the wee man in the picture, Ruari, he was our foster pup but we had to put him into foster care while we went on holiday and our other two missed him so much. When we got back he did three laps of the room before he could calm down enough for us to pet him and our other two pined for him so much while we were away so we had to adopt him. He is adorable but such hard work, he is a counter surfer and has just begun to chew items when we leave him. He is house trained but the chewing is attention seeking and he is hard work.

With all this going on I haven't had much time to indulge myself in photography but this has to change, no one ever regretted the time they spent enjoying themselves so this is the beginning. I may not post everyday at first but I will do my best to post as much as possible, bear with me.

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