
By RadioGirl

The Prompt Royal Brompton

Dad arrived at the Royal Brompton at 9.30 p.m. last night after a bumpy 3-hour drive by ambulance through heavy traffic from Colchester. The staff wasted no time in getting him immediately checked over with various tests, including x-rays, blood samples, obs and heart monitor. By the time he got into bed on the Princess Alexandra Ward he was completely shattered.

When I reached the hospital at 4 o'clock this afternoon, Dad was just being prepared for his surgical procedure. The surgeon, Mr Jordan, came and introduced himself as "Simon" - I felt very confident in him. The nurse looking after Dad was great and said I could go down with him to the doors of the theatre, which I did. He found it reassuring to know I was going to be in the building while the surgery was being done. Two hours later, the nurse came to the Day Room and told me Dad was back on the ward from Recovery and asking for the salmon and cucumber sandwiches I'd made and brought in for him. Having been nil by mouth since breakfast, they were wolfed down!

He had had keyhole surgery, with a much larger drain tube coming straight out of the left side of his chest plus another little incision a bit lower down. Unfortunately he sprang a leak and a lot of fluid flooded out all over the bed, but a nurse and two female doctors came immediately and put in a couple more stitches. They told Dad he was very brave and good because he didn't make any fuss at all while they were doing it.

After sorting out Dad's things and putting them where he wanted, making sure he had his fresh pyjamas on and throwing the used ones into a carrier bag, I finally left the hospital at 8.20 p.m. Once home, the washing machine went on at 10.15 p.m., and I didn't fall into bed until well past midnight. Daddy and daughter both shattered.

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