A Day In The Life...

By TonAntoonson

Celebrating Sinterklaas...

CELEBRATING SINTERKLAAS... : San Nicolas was a Spanish roman catholic bishop hundreds of years ago preaching at Turkey. He was the protector of the children and the sailors. The Dutch invented a fairytale about him, renamed him Sint Nicolaas, which is hard for little kiddies to pronounce, so they just say Sinterklaas. Children believe he lives at Spain and sails to The Netherlands each year in November, to give presents on the night of 5 December to children who have been good all year. In about the same period the Dutchman Peter Stuyvesant founded a new city in a new land and he called it New Amsterdam and many people from Europe went there for a better future and they brought the story of Sinterklaas with them. The British stole New Amsterdam and renamed it New York; later the Americans stole Sinterklaas and renamed it Santa Claus...

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