Evil Goat

By evilgoat

Cheeky Charley

After blipping Alfie yesterday, thought it was bad to leave out Charley. Normal Toby service to be resumed tomorrow!

Alfie had to go for his annual check up this morning, mentioned how stiff his back legs get after he's been laying down and the vet examined him and said that he's got arthritis in both back knees. Not good seeing as he's only 4. We've decided to keep an eye on him, not do too much sprinty type exercise and try him on glucosamine tablets for a while. Really don't want to start on long term medication as the side effects aren't great.

Poor Alfie, no ball games or stick chasing for a while! Which means I will have to find ways of entertaining Charley on walks which doesn't over-excite Alfie.

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