
My name is David and I am not a terrorist.

Here is one of the images deemed a security risk during my altercation with the Maadi police a few days ago. The conversation went a little like this:

Gun-Wielding Policeman: Why this?
Me: Why not?
GWP: What this?
Me: It's a wall.
GWP: But why?
Me: Because...[desperately tries to think how on earth to articulate the concept of primary colours, texture and composition*]...just because.

Heated discussion with seven other gun-wielding policemen about what kind of weirdo goes about taking pictures of walls and the subsequent terror threat posed by said weirdo. A few smirks and shakes of the head later...

GWP: You cannot take this.
Me: Yes I can.
GWP: Listen to me. You cannot take pictures in Maadi. Other places, okay. Maadi, no.
Me: I'll just come back and take it again when you're not looking.

Et voila.

Hardly worth the effort in hindsight. But I consider this one-up against the Maadi dictat. I may take wingpig's advice and carry a separate memory card around with me filled with pictures of cute fluffy one-eyed kittens** which I can quickly swap over if I sense trouble in future.

*That sounds a bit wanky, I know.

**That's the 1000% barrier broken.

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