Clogher Head

It's been a rather splendid day. Between the rain of last night and the rain currently being driven against the window here at Murphy's Pub, where we are staying in Dingle, the weather has been rather kind to us. We've enjoyed spells of glorious winter sunshine whilst out walking, and showers when inside drinking coffee. Our timing was almost perfect at the end of the day too, walking down from the tor at Ballydavid head at dusk, using the last vestiges of light, we got caught by a vicious hailstorm just thirty seconds from the car!

There were many highlights during the day: visiting a couple of ancient cashels first thing, with some incredibly well preserved beehive huts; the beach at Coumeenoole Bay, caught at a very low tide and with incredible light; the headland between Clogher and Sybil Heads, above a boiling, frothing, violent sea. It's been ridiculously hard to choose what shot to blip, but as the crazy seas have been the most prominent feature of the day, I think this has to be the one.

I spent so long here just watching the waves and trying to capture some sense of the awesome drama being played out below that TJ got a little worried I'd been too adventurous and had been swept away! It took a while because the spray kept being driven on to the lens of my camera. I had to wipe it down after every shot. It's been a cold and wild day for walking but it really couldn't have been any better for photography.

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