horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

29th best in the country

Not the guy in the photo, that's Stevie Jackson, who came 2nd in the Vet40 race.

But me.... I was riding in the Senior category, last race of the day, in the Scottish Cyclocross Championships. Having been used to a field of 60-70, and more, it was slightly intimidating to be in amongst only 30 other riders. It would appear that tagging this round the actual Championship, rather than part of the series, may have made my fellow tail-enders think this wasn't a race for them. So with two DNFs, I came round at the very back-end, nabbing 29th place.

Hard day's work, with yesterday's blipped cleansed bike now a muddy mess. But fun, once again, despite it being the most knackering of the three rides I've done this season.

It was a particularly picturesque drive north to the race (through snow-flurried Fife in both directions), and the new jersey did it's job of being visible for my father-in-law (as well as the announcer, and therefore for a couple of kids thereafter).

The few pics I got before my own race confirmed that CX is (in my opinion) the most photogenic of cyclesports (and possibly of most other sports).

The Hill
Fromt he start line
Black & White
Young 'un

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