
By Leann


At the Women Of Faith event this year, the theme of the weekend was "Survival to Revival"
This was my third year attending this event (thanks mom). I am sure a lot of women come away from these events completely renewed and make some type of self-promise to be more deeply in the word and spending personal time with the Lord. I know I do. This seems to be like a new year's resolution. We make them with good intentions, but how often do we have follow through? I am not successful with these resolutions.
This year, I decided to purchase a new study bible. My self-promise to make some personal time each and every day to open it, read it, study it, and learn it. I know this will not be easy because I am not good at follow through. I think I am making this public so I will have some form of accountability. I am hoping to do this at the same time every day so it will be easier to become a habit.
Feel free to check on me and hold me accountable. I am NOT perfect (and I don't want to be). I struggle with consistency. Thank you all for loving me and teaching me and helping me grow. Stronger every day

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