my little eye

By clarebeme

Crap shot of a great day!

I think if I'd waved the phone around randomly without looking at the screen, the law of something-or-other says I would've got a better shot than this, but hey ho. In my defence I was very busy most of the day doing I don't know what - endless leeetle things to keep everyone happy and warm inside while they worked.

Anyway the day was a great success - loads of people came despite the early flurries of bad weather that blew one stallholder's clothes rail into the road and everyone seemed to have a great time. The festival posties worked a treat - they delivered letters here and there with a grin and a jingle of their bells, the stallholders I spoke to did well and lots of people said they wished it could happen more often. The Teeny Tiny Theatre played host to choirs and live music all day, circus acts and a street musician amused the crowds and the kids made giant paper chains to adorn some of the local shops. The food was amazing - from all corners of the globe and all nine food stalls sold out completely or nearly.

So hooray. All round relief and happiness and now I'm looking forward to starting our own festiveness at home. Once I've emptied the car, returned carrom boards to their rightful home, done the finances and spoken to local storage providers to persuade them to offer us some free space, that is. I can hope. :-)

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