Cairo Café

This is taken from my favorite seat in my local café in Cairo. It's on an open verandah and I usually begin my day with a capucinno and a newspaper here. It's also where I wrote the introduction to my book and this view and square feature in the opening paragraph.

It's been a slightly daunting day on the coaching front. I was being assessed (although they claimed it wasn't an assessment) by an international coaching organisation as part of their on-boarding process to join their pool of coaches.

My assessing coachee has decades of experience as a coach and brought a real subject that we worked on together for an hour. I had to put all my 'not good enough' gremlins in a box and get on with it.

Later I had to coach the CEO of a leading coaching and development company in the UK. He too is a very experienced coach. Fortunately, both found the sessions very useful and I am to be 'totally recommended' to the organisation concerned. Who knows what work it may be bring but it's always nice to be wanted!

In other news the British and Canadian embassies in Cairo have closed and tourists warned away from anywhere that tourists would normally visit due to unspecified threats. The ground floor of Dd's British Council centre has been emptied so all activity takes place on the upper floors only. I am keeping as low a profile as my 6ft 3 ins/190.5 cm tall frame allows on the way to and from this café. I'm leaving now (18:30 hrs) in a taxi to pick Dd up there so I will see the new security measures in place first hand.

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