Going ill-equipped

We were supposed to be having a new radiator fitted today. The nearest thing I have to a phobia is indoor plumbing so always a bit nerve-racking. The plumber arrived as anticipated, and began work, only to find that an essential part was missing from the pack, so he isolated the radiator in question and restored our heating, and will now return later in the week when the suppliers get in the missing items. Typical!
I set out for a walk, quite late in the day, light-wise, and decided to walk along the river. I took my long lens, hoping to see some birds, but there was very little to be seen and it was quite quickly too dark for a moving subject. There were lots of fungi, which was a surprise, and a bit annoying as I would have taken my kit lens and tripod, had I known. I saw some very fine Olive Oysterlings, very much a winter species, but it was impossible to get a shot with the equipment I had with me and as they are quite long-lasting, it might be worth returning to try for a decent shot. These Glistening Inkcaps were a bit more conveniently located for a shot.

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