Of rich and royal hue..

By mintlawquine


This is the closest I'm ever likely to get to an oil-rig, albeit a mock up on the Altens Campus of the North East Scotland college, where technicians are trained in a risk free environment, where air and water are pumped through the equipment rather than gas and oil. It's inside too with clean pipes, not corroded ones, and no snell North Sea wind blowing all around! A great introduction to a career in the Oil and Gas sector.

I was on College Board duty today, with the morning visit to Altens preceding the formal meeting of the Board in the afternoon. A long meeting, with two interesting presentations, one by the Police about the terrorism threat, and the other by the Scottish Funding Council with some unwelcome news about further funding cuts to our colleges budget. It would appear that the North East is about to lose out again with a new funding formula favouring the Central Belt.

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