Deck the doors...

...with wreaths of holly! And yew, and a few other bits!!

As promised, the wreath that I made at the workshop in Wells on Saturday. Sitting here, I can hear the wind howling outside, and with gales forecast for the next couple of days, I hope it manages to survive! It's already been dropped twice!!

A wonderfully quiet day, enjoying back to back Christmas films and sorting through my mountainous pile of Christmas shopping! I tend to buy bits and bobs throughout the year on my travels, without any particular person in mind. At Christmas it all comes out of the attic and I decide who to give what. This year I've actually got more presents than I need, so they'll probably go away for next year!!

The Christmas scented candles came out of the cupboard this afternoon and it was my plan to have a relaxing candle-lit evening with more Christmassy schmaltz, but the friend who was meant to pop round this afternoon is now coming this evening. So the wrapping will have to wait until tomorrow, and instead I think we'll have mince pies and a drop of Christmas spirit!!

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