"Oslo Cathedral is a church for everyone and has the ambition to be open-minded and traditional at the same time. It is a place where you should feel free to come as you are. The Cathedral wants to embrace both the variety and the contrast among people, and to share the loving presence of the Lord.
The Cathedral wishes to be a church for the whole person - and for all people.
We believe that there is a connection between The Holy and glorified God and the human pain, loneliness and distress. We believe in contrasts and in the light that shines through our cracks." (Oslo Cathedral website)

So now and then I go to the our Cathedral,
when there are no priest around.
just being me, coming as I am
The silence in an nearly empty church,
to lit a candle in peace - for peace,
to let the light shine through all my cracks.

It's been a good day :-)

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